Arts & Culture

Rock of My Salvation


by Mordecai Ben Isaac, translated by Solomon Solis-Cohen

Purim begins this evening, March 16, 2022.

Mighty, praised beyond compare,
Rock of my salvation,
Build again my house of prayer,
For Thy habitation!
Offering and libation, shall a ransomed nation
Joyful bring
There, and sing
Psalms of Dedication!

Woe was mine in Egypt-land,
(Tyrant kings enslaved me);
Till Thy mighty, out-stretched Hand
From oppression saved me.
Pharaoh, rash pursuing, vowed my swift undoing—
Soon, his host
That proud boast
'Neath the waves was rueing!

To Thy Holy Hill, the way
Madest Thou clear before me;
With false gods I went astray—
Foes to exile bore me.
Torn from all I cherished, almost had I perished—
Babylon fell,
Badest Thou to restore me!

Then the vengeful Haman wrought
Subtly, to betray me;
In his snare himself he caught—
He that plann'd to slay me.
(Haled from Esther's palace; hanged on his own gallows!)
Seal and ring
Persia's king
Gave Thy servant zealous.

When the brave Asmonans broke
Javan's chain in sunder,
Through the holy oil, Thy folk
Didst Thou show a wonder—
Ever full remained the vessel unprofand;
These eight days,
Lights and praise,
Therefore were ordaind.

Lord, Thy Holy Arm make bare,
Speed my restoration;
Be my martyr's blood Thy care—
Judge each guilty nation.
Long is my probation; sore my tribulation—
Bid, from Heaven,
Thy shepherds seven
Haste to my salvation!

Notes: Ma'oz Tzur, a Hannukah Hymn

This material is believed to be in the public domain. If you have information about rights to this work, please email Poetry Foundation at

Featured Image: Photo by tomertu/

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