
T'Challaween — A South End Tribute to Our Heroes & Role Models


by Emerald Staff

On Saturday, October 31, 2020, the South Seattle Emerald in partnership with Rainier Avenue Radio will bring you — T'Challaween!

"We will work to be an example of how we, as brothers and sisters on this earth, should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

T'Challa, The Black Panther

A socially distant, COVID-safe costume parade and contest

The event — the first of its kind — will feature a 3/4-mile, socially distant, COVID-safe costume parade along the Beacon Hill Greenway. Paraders will travel north to south from around South College Street to South Hanford Street along 18th Avenue South (see map below in event poster image).

"No-touch" candy tossers will be stationed along the route and event ambassadors will help guide paraders and direct traffic, as the Beacon Hill Greenway — while meant for walking and rolling along, as part of Seattle's Stay Healthy Streets initiative — will not be officially closed (only local access is permitted).

We ask that all parade participants and spectators maintain a minimum of six feet of distance from other attendees. Please attend T'Challaween only with your family/household to avoid coming into contact with people outside of your quarantine "pod." And AT ALL TIMES, masks must be worn. If your costume has a mask, wear an appropriate mask over/under it (costume masks are not sufficient protection for yourself or others from COVID-19).

These guidelines will keep paraders, spectators, event staff, and nearby residents safe. We'll be monitoring the event for compliance and those not adhering to these guidelines will be asked to leave.

Please help us make this a fun — and SAFE — day for all!

Rainier Avenue Radio will livestream the event for those who can't attend in person.

WATCH: @RainierAvenueRadio.World app or Facebook

LISTEN:, TuneIn, or smart speaker

Professional photographers Susan Fried and Carolyn Bick — of the Emerald — will take pictures of paraders along with Smile Patrol, who will take pictures of attendees with our T'Challaween banner at the end of the parade route and also provide a Virtual Photo Booth for those who can't attend in person to not only join in the fun but enter our costume contest.

Attendees will be able to find themselves in parade pictures and download them from our Facebook page. Costume contest details will also be posted to the South Seattle Emerald Facebook page, so give us a like and a follow and keep up with the contest and more there.

We'll be giving out awards post-event for the following:

  • Best Costume Overall (child/adult)
  • Best Family/Household Group Costume
  • Best Black Panther Tribute (Individual & Group!)
  • Best Pet Costume

We'll be celebrating every costume on Saturday, but we know a little competition can be good motivation for creativity and can add an extra boost of fun to any Halloween event. Just know we love every one of you beautiful people and we hope this day will be a gift to this fine community we call home!

What — or who — is a hero?

T'Challaween is a tribute to our heroes and role models. It's an opportunity for South Seattleites to come together safely to celebrate what makes our community great — the people! More than ever, we need each other. We are, all of us, heroic at one time or another, if not in our own eyes, in the eyes of others. And we are all role models, to each other and to the next generation.

Heroes don't always wear capes, but they do help those in need by drawing on their unique skills. Heroes are not always masked, but pandemic heroes wear their masks to protect others. There are many definitions of "hero." (We'd love to know what it means to you! Who are your heroes and role models? Are they alive? Are they historical figures? Are you related to them? Do they live in South Seattle? Drop us a line at We'll share what it means to us below!)

Let us not forget in these times of virtual (and actual) isolation that we are not alone, that there are heroes among us (sometimes they are us), that we are in this together, and that collectively, we have super powers!

Ready your costumes and come out with all the style you can muster, South End Heroes! We look forward to throwing candy at you! (Ahem — tossing candy bags to you gently, rather.)

We leave you with this poem written especially for all of us in this time of great challenge and equal fortitude. South End, you are our heroes. All of you.

So what's a hero?

We'll tell you in verse (we had time to rehearse!)

This image created by the South Seattle Emerald features a picture taken by Jovelle Tamayo: (L—R) Amorie McAdory, Luv Forrest, Kadyn Whitlock, and Kennedy Whitlock pose for a portrait on Monday, October 31, 2016 at the Rainier Beach Boo Bash.

This is the story you may well have heard

About heroes with capes and outfits absurd

"Heroes are massive (heroes aren't small)

Heroes can break down a 40-foot wall!

Heroes are brave in the night under shadow

In darkness they're keen (and sometimes they glow!)

They battle frightening monsters with zeal

Whether animated, pretend—or even for real

And lo! They have sidekicks always in cahoots

Leaving zombies — all baddies — shaking in their boots

Heroes will grasp your hand if you fall

Heroes are never afraid not at all"

Heroes are tough, heroes we're told

Are cool and well spoken — and sure, they put on a good show

But I'll tell you something you may well not know …

It's what's in their hearts that makes them so bold

You may not believe it but some are quite old

Heroes are fat and heroes are thin!

Heroes teach us to find strength within

Heroes are "she" and heroes are "her"

Heroes do not always run swift in a blur

Sometimes they're slow, sometimes on wheels

Sometimes they like to talk about how they feel

Heroes are not just a "he" or a "him"

Heroes are "they" and heroes are "them"

Heroes are all of us humans who choose

To love and to play, even if we might lose

Heroes are everywhere there and here

Maybe you saw one today in the mirror?

You can't tell by their face or their walk or their skin

For we are all heroes when determined to win

To win over fear, adversity, hate

To find ways to connect, new ways to relate

To help each other be all we can be

To be the heroes that we think we need

A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: The Station coffee shop, Practically Apparent (blog), Converge Media, Bar del Corso, Urban Feed & Garden, Beacon Arts, Jump Start Consulting, and Beacon Business Alliance. And a special thank you to Feed the People Plaza & Hello Bicycle (big thanks to the latter for providing power)!