
Skyway Breaks Ground on New Library


Community members celebrated the Skyway Library groundbreaking last Wednesday afternoon Wednesday, July 9. As the crowd gathered, 25 children from the Skyway Boys & Girls Club's summer music program entertained the crowd with songs.

KCLS Interim Director Julie Acteson welcomed the community to the event to celebrate the start of construction for the new 8,000 square foot library.

"The new library will be within walking distance from the Boys & Girls Club, Dimmitt middle school and several elementary schools," said King County Library System (KCLS) Interim Director Julie Acteson.

A number of dignitaries addressed the crowd, including KCLS Board Trustee Jessica Bonebright, Friends of Skyway Library President Theresa McLean, West Hill Community Association President Bill Bowden, King County Sheriff's Office Captain Ted Boe and King County Sheriff's Office Deputy Brian Barnes.

"We appreciate the voters in the community who supported this project," said KCLS Board Trustee Jessica Bonebright. "This is going to be a great resource for the community."

Project architect Matt Aalfs highlighted the design process, which incorporated input from the community. He said the new building will have almost twice the space, materials and computers.

"We tried to make a building that's beautiful, that's inspirational and it feels open and welcoming. We met with (community members) here,and thought a lot about the kids who live here who might need a place to go. We wanted them to feel comfortable and safe here, with whatever it is they need." Aalfs said.

With gold shovels in hand, local dignitaries were joined by children with small shovels to break ground. "This Space is going to be great." Said West Hill Community Association President Bill Bowden. "It's just an awesome centerpiece for revitalizing the community!"

Special thanks to the King County Library System for assistance with this article