
Filipino Americans Protest Anti-Terror Bill in the Philippines


by Ronnie Estoque

On July 11, local Filipino American activists from BAYAN Seattle led a protest outside of Seafood City in Tukwila to protest the recent anti-terrorism bill signed into law by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte earlier this month. Critics are concerned that the broad and vague nature of the bill will allow the Philippine government to crack down on those showing expressions of dissent or criticism against the state.

According to BAYAN Seattle, "The 'anti-terror law' gives the state oppressive and excessive powers to suppress any form of dissent, to violate people's civil rights, and to spread fear among the people. These powers even exceed that of martial law, which still has limitations under the Constitution."

The bill will also allow for the formation of an Anti-Terrorism Council composed of officials from Duterte's Cabinet. Organizers from the protest are also planning for another action against the Anti-Terror Act on July 27, the same day that Duterte will be giving his State of the Nation Address.


Ronnie Estoque is a Seattle-based reporter.

Featured image by Ronnie Estoque.