
NEWS GLEAMS: Rainier Beach Back2School Bash, Community Input on OLEO Director, & More!


curated by Emerald Staff

A round-up of news and announcements we don't want to get lost in the fast-churning news cycle!

Photo of vaccinated patient courtesy of Centers for Disease Control via Unsplash.

100 Free Tickets to 'Day In Day Out' Festival at 'Welcome Back Week' Vaccination Pop-Ups

From the Office of the Mayor: "The City of Seattle is partnering with Daydream State to offer COVID-19 vaccinations ahead of this September's 'Day In Day Out' festival at Seattle Center. The first 100 people who receive their first or second dose at the City's 'Welcome Back Weeks' pop-up vaccination clinics will receive a free single-day ticket to the 'Day In Day Out' music festival.

"Seattle Fire Department (SFD) 'Welcome Back Week' pop-up vaccination clinic dates and times are as follows:

  • Saturday, July 17, & Sunday, July 18, from 1 to 7 p.m.
    Hing Hay Park, 423 Maynard Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98104
  • Saturday, July 24, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    Occidental Square, 117 S. Washington St., WA 98104
  • Sunday, July 25, from 12 to 8 p.m.
    Westlake Park, 401 Pine St., Seattle, WA 98101

"SFD will administer Johnson & Johnson as well as Pfizer vaccines at these clinics, and patients can get their first or second dose. If a patient is receiving their second dose, they'll need to show proof of vaccination. If a patient receives their first dose of Pfizer, SFD will help them schedule their second dose on-site. Interested residents can find more information on these 'Welcome Back Week' events on the mayor's office 'Seattle's Equitable Recovery' website."

Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash.

Call for Donations and Volunteers for Rainier Beach Back2School Bash!

From Rainier Beach Action Coalition (RBAC): "It's that time of year! The 2021 Rainier Beach Back2School Bash (RB B2SB) is happening on Saturday, Aug. 28, from 12 to 4 p.m. at Rainier Beach Plaza, and we need your support to have a successful event! We have served thousands of families in Rainier Beach for the past 17 years, and they look forward to this event each year.

"There are many ways you can help support RB B2SB:

  • Sponsor — In order to make our marketing materials, the deadline to sign up as a sponsor is July 30. It's not too late to add your support! To view sponsorship levels and for more information about sponsoring RB B2SB, visit the following webpage.
  • Donate — Any amount will help toward reaching our goal. To donate, visit the following webpage and scroll down to the 'DONATE' button.
  • Volunteer — Groups, organizations, families, and individuals can sign up to volunteer on the following webpage.
  • Host a School-Supply Drive —Staff, groups, or families can build backpacks and school supply kits, and RBAC can pick them up from you, or you can drop them off at one of our locations.

"RBAC is a nonprofit organization focused on providing educational support for Rainier Beach students, although we serve many students near and far. Our goal is to raise $20,000, so every contribution, no matter how small, counts to reaching our goal."

King County Council Seeks Community Input on OLEO Director Candidates

From King County Councilmember Dave Upthegrove's Newsletter: "The King County Council is now in the process of appointing a new Director of the Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO) and wants to hear from the public about the two finalists for the position.

"The new director will oversee the County's independent agency and represent the interests of the public in keeping the King County Sheriff's Office accountable for providing fair and just police services.

"The two finalist candidates will participate in virtual community meetings. One of which is happening today, Wednesday, July 14, from 12 to 2 p.m. To attend this meeting, visit the following Zoom link.

"The candidates will speak to prepared questions and then take questions from community members until time runs out. Participants will be asked to complete a survey after each meeting and the results will be shared with the Recruitment Advisory Committee and Council.

"For more information about OLEO, visit King County's 'Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO)' webpage."

A sign outside Casa Latina takes issue with management's approach to reports of sexual assault in the organization. (Photo: Alex Garland)

Spotlight on Community Victories and Organizing Virtual Gathering

From Radical Women Seattle Branch: "Join Radical Women tomorrow, Thursday, July 15, at 7 p.m. for an online Zoom gathering! We'll be talking about the Latinx community campaign that stood up to sexual harassment and worker intimidation at Casa Latina as well as how to defend abortion rights locally and nationally.

"For more information, visit Radical Women Seattle Branch's Facebook event page. To register for this Zoom gathering, visit the following webpage."

Photo attributed to SDOT Photos (under a Creative Commons, CC BY-NC 2.0 license).

How to Use Transit to Get to Pedestrian Lake Washington Boulevard Video Guide

Want to hit up all the different beaches along Lake Washington Boulevard but unsure how to even get there? Worry not! Bob Svercl, an avid PNW cyclist, has you covered. With his Public Transit to Lake Washington Blvd Guide video, Svercl walks you through the most efficient car-free routes to get to Lake Washington Boulevard, providing maps that detail the route and rating their level of accessibility!

To view the video guide, check out his YouTube page, where you can also download the video transcription.

Before you move on to the next story …

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