
NEWS GLEAMS | Auburn Resident to Be Sentenced for Jan. 6 Capitol Attacks; Events at Seattle Public Library


A roundup of news and announcements we don't want to get lost in the fast-churning news cycle!

by Vee Hua 華婷婷

Photo by lev radin/

Auburn Resident to Be Sentenced for Jan. 6 Attacks

Sentencing has been delayed around a national case involving two members from the far-right extremist group, the Proud Boys, due to an "emergency" medical issue related to the judge. In May, former Proud Boys national leader Enrique Tarrio was convicted for seditious conspiracy related to the Jan. 6 attacks, alongside Ethan Nordean, a local chapter leader based in Auburn, Washington, Zachary Rehl, a chapter leader based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Joseph Biggs, a self-described Proud Boys organizer based in Ormond Beach, Florida.

According to AP, "In order to win a seditious conspiracy case, prosecutors have to prove that two or more people conspired to 'overthrow, put down or to destroy by force' the U.S. government or bring war against it, or that they plotted to use force to oppose the authority of the government or to block the execution of a law." The laws were originally enacted to arrest Southerners who might choose to continue fighting the U.S. government after the end of the Civil War.

Prosecutors have recommended 33-year sentences for Tarrio and Biggs, 30 years for Rehl, 27 years for Nordean, and 20 years for Pezola. Biggs, Rehl, and Pezola will be sentenced as planned, but Nordean and Tarrio's sentencing will be postponed from Wednesday to Friday and next Tuesday, respectively.

Up until this point, the longest prison sentence related to the Jan. 6 attacks was for Oath Keepers' founder Stewart Rhodes; he received 18 years for seditious conspiracy and other charges.

The Justice Department also recently charged former President Donald Trump on four criminal counts related to his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Earlier this week, a trial date was scheduled for March 4, 2023.

The downtown Central Library branch of The Seattle Public Library. Photo is attributed to Eric Hunt (under a Creative Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 license).

September Events at Seattle Public Library

The Seattle Public Library has shared their September schedule of free public events and author readings; most take place at the downtown Central Library, with some exceptions. Full calendar and registration can be seen at

  • Virtual Writers Read (Online)
    2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 10
    A monthly reading series featuring an open mic and selected author readings from local writers.
  • El Club Latino (in Spanish)
    3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10
    Central Library (1000 Fourth Ave.), Level 4, Room 6; nase al Club de Lectura de la Biblioteca Central
    A Spanish reading club. This month's book is Burning Fog by Laura Baeza. El libro de este mes es: Niebla ardiente de Laura Baeza.
  • Low Vision Book Group (Central Library)
    From 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 14
    Central Library (1000 Fourth Ave.), Level 4 – Room 6.
    Join our Low Vision Book Group for a discussion of the book This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger. Registration is not required.

Contact the Library's Ask Us service by phone at 206-386-4636 or by email or chat at

Vee Hua 華婷婷 (they/them) is a writer, filmmaker, and organizer with semi-nomadic tendencies. Much of their work unifies their metaphysical interests with their belief that art can positively transform the self and society. They are the editor-in-chief of REDEFINE, a long-time member of the Seattle Arts Commission, and a film educator at the interdisciplinary community hub, Northwest Film Forum, where they previously served as executive director and played a key role in making the space more welcoming and accessible for diverse audiences. After a recent stint as the interim managing editor at South Seattle Emerald, they are moving into production on their feature film, Reckless Spirits, which is a metaphysical, multilingual POC buddy comedy. They have a master's in Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewardship under the American Indian Studies Department at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.

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