Photo Essay

Protestors gather to support Dr. Christine Blasey Ford


Story and photos by Susan Fried

Sept. 28, the day that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee detailing her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, hundreds of people gathered at Westlake Park at noon to protest the nomination and show support for Dr. Ford.

Similar events were held in dozens of cities across the country the day before a Senate committee was scheduled to approve or deny Kavanaugh's nomination.

The organizers invited people to come up and tell their own stories. Those who did expressed thanks to Dr. Ford for showing the courage to tell her story and said how important it was to believe the survivors of sexual assault. Many of the people attending the event wrote "I believe" on their hands. At 12:30, during a minute of silence, they held their hands up to show solidarity with Dr. Ford and all victims of sexual violence.