
Six Reasons to Stay Active This Summer


by Emily Williamson

Photo Credit: Emily Williamson

For many Northwest residents, summer is the season we head outside to work and play. At Rainier Health & Fitness, we see less of our members in June, July and August who update us in the fall with stories like "I've been busy gardening" or "I skipped my workouts to run/walk around Seward Park." While we applaud getting active in the great outdoors, we still recommend rounding out your fitness routine with regular gym visits. Here's why:

1. Cross Train. Although you'll build stamina and get in some cardio through weekend hikes and bike rides, for overall conditioning you need to add strength training too. Not sure where to begin? Jump into a Group Training workout or join RHF CrossFit.

2. Start your week (or weekend) with yoga. Since summer is such a busy season, your body will thank you for taking time to relax with some deep breathing. At Rainier Health & Fitness, you can begin your week with a 6 PM yoga class on Mondays. And on Saturdays June 6th and 27th, you can ease into your weekend with yoga at 11 AM. Yoga is perfect for mid-week re-centering too! Come Wednesdays at 6 PM, Fridays at 10 AM or Thursday morning Pilates at 6 AM. Older adults can get their Zen in on Thursdays at 9 AM with a modified senior yoga class that uses chairs.

3. Workout in AC. Let's admit it. Summertime heat can make you sluggish. Hitting a gym with AC can energize your workout routine when you lack motivation to run or train outside.

4. Rainy day runs. On the flip side of sweltering summer days are the drizzly cool ones when you don't wanna slog through puddles. Hit the treadmill or elliptical instead. Or snag the opportunity to get in your strength training (see number 1 above).

5. Stay Accountable. Keep yourself committed to exercise by continuing to be a regular (or at least semi-regular) at your local gym, whether that means checking in with trainers who know you or participating in your favorite group class.

6. Connect with Community. A local gym offers opportunities to connect you're your neighbors. And at Rainier Health & Fitness, we've often overheard members telling their friends how RHF is more than a fitness center—we're a community! You can keep locally connected at RHF through events like our Monday evening Mobile Farm Stand that will be set up in front of RHF from 5 PM to 7 PM throughout summer. And you definitely won't want to miss the kick off block party launch on Monday, June 15th. The evening will include a BBQ, music, bikemobile, firefighters, games for kids, belly dancing, face paining and lots more!

So stay fit by staying active both in and out of the gym this summer!

Emily Williamson calls Rainier Health & Fitness her second home and not just because she works there! RHF is where members from all corners of her community gather to exercise, dance, stretch and get healthy. An avid outdoor enthusiast, Emily mixes her hiking outings with yoga and strength training.

Featured Photo Credit: Diana Vergis Vinh