
Are You the Future of the Emerald? Seeking Our Next Managing Editor!


by Vee Hua 華婷婷

Founded in 2014, the South Seattle Emerald has grown enormously since the 2020 uprisings for racial justice. At that time, I believe the community-at-large saw the Emerald for the authentic narratives that it carries — often championing the voices of those from historically underrepresented communities. The Emerald also has an ability to hold and present the nuances of dynamic situations, where many publications may not take the time. We care deeply about the communities we are from, which are the communities we serve.

Today, I am writing with the hope of finding the Emerald's next full-time salaried position: a managing editor who will guide the future vision for our coverage. The managing editor oversees our newsroom by collaborating with our team of writers and contributors, as well as championing our commitment to equity, deep-seated sense of accountability, and dedication to restorative journalism. If that sounds like a role you or someone you know would thrive in, we want to hear from you.

A little under a year ago, the Emerald's founder, Marcus Harrison Green, asked me to step into the position of interim managing editor as the Emerald made the transition from operating with just one person at the helm (Marcus) to a leadership team that would include an executive director — now Michael McPhearson — and a managing editor. Out of love for the Emerald and as a contributing writer over the years, I stepped into the role to help ease the transition and guide the organization towards stability.

For my own part, I never intended to take the position long-term due to my own obligations running my own company and pursuing a film career — but this is my message of encouragement to the next ready person to take on this role. As someone who once didn't think of myself in leadership positions like this — simply because society often tells People of Color they are unworthy of leadership roles if they do not have the proper "credentials" — I invite anyone who is even remotely considering the role to step up and put your name in the hat.

The Emerald values diverse voices from the community and is seeking a managing editor with a forward-thinking vision that will help us continue to grow and thrive in our mission of "amplifying the authentic narratives of South Seattle." We presently have our largest budget-to-date, with many interesting opportunities and responsibilities on the horizon. Your voice, or that of someone you know, may be the next to make an impact on the future of news coverage in Seattle.

Thank you for supporting the Emerald as we take our next big steps forward.

Apply for the role, share it with a friend, and if you haven't already, consider becoming a Rainmaker with a recurring gift today!

—Vee Hua 華婷婷

Vee Hua 華婷婷 (they/them) is a writer, filmmaker, and organizer with semi-nomadic tendencies. Much of their work unifies their metaphysical interests with their belief that art can positively transform the self and society. They are the editor-in-chief of REDEFINE, a long-time member of the Seattle Arts Commission, and a film educator at the interdisciplinary community hub, Northwest Film Forum, where they previously served as executive director and played a key role in making the space more welcoming and accessible for diverse audiences. After a recent stint as the interim managing editor at South Seattle Emerald, they are moving into production on their feature film, Reckless Spirits, which is a metaphysical, multilingual POC buddy comedy. They have a master's in Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewardship under the American Indian Studies Department at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Featured Image: Photo by Hannah Letnich, used with permission. Edits by the Emerald Team.

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