Sunday Stew: Honoring the Dream
by Minnie A. Collins
Here we are again
Reflecting, looking in the rear-view mirror
Romanticizing the "Dream"
Joining hands, singing "We shall overcome"
Loving Dr.King for "non-violence"
Loving Dr. King for Nobel Peace accolades
From America to Hiroshima and Toronto
Finally celebrating a national holiday. Renaming King County
Here we are again once a year
Selecting politically correct phrases
Seldom listening, seldom understanding
Seldom acting on King's message:
Non-violence means organized struggles
Non-violence is resistance through mass movements
Non-violence causes direct actions, not passive propositions
Non-violence is a coercive means of social change
Seeded by 1965 Civil rights Act
Outlawed discrimination still perpetuated today
In the name of FEAR and ECONOMIC segregation
Viruses of Fear, Hate, Apathy Scapegoating Divisiveness
Political gerrymandering, Economic gentrification and redlining.
Honoring King's Dream requires
Virus immunity
Access to economic equity,
Access to education, registering, voting.