Our Guide to The Seattle Summer Streets Party and Rainier Valley Heritage Parade

Our Guide to The Seattle Summer Streets Party and Rainier Valley Heritage Parade

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South Seattle's streets will be sizzling this weekend, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the blistering summer temperatures as this Saturday kicks off the joint celebration of the 6th Annual Seattle Summer Streets Party and 22nd annual Rainier Valley Heritage Parade.

Rainier Avenue South will be closed starting at 10:00am tomorrow as festivities commence at noon on the avenue -from S Alaska to S Brandon St- with a parade that features as wide an array of entrants as you would expect to be unearthed from South Seattle's overflowing chalice of diversity – which include dancers, marching bands, elaborately costumed entertainers, and one of a kind floats that must be seen to be believed.

Immediately after the parade's conclusion, event goers will be treated to the Summer Streets party that will commandeer more than 5 blocks of Rainier Avenue, and which promises to be the biggest extravaganza that South Seattle residents have been privy to. To quote event organizer Susan Davis: "Over the last five years the parade and street party have grown exponentially! We keep raising the bar year after year and exceeding expectations!"

Featuring a beer garden, contestants vying for the crown of Rainier Valley's Best BBQ, young and old alike disregarding all practical dieting advice so they can stuff their stomachs with whole pies in the span of a few minutes, and a DJ booth spinning tunes throughout the day to keep everyone energized, the event is expected to attract over 5000 parade goers this year, including Seattle Mayor Ed Murray. With all eyes in the 206 area code (that aren't blood shoot from a center other festival going on this weekend) gazing on the south end this weekend, we provide you with a guide to the celebrations various activities.

Parade: The theme for this year's parade is Heritage and will feature participants with pageantry and costumes that harken back to the Rainier Valley's storied history. Judges will keep a watchful eye as they vote for the entrants who best captures the area's deep seated roots. Between: 12:00pm – 1:30pm

Re-Imagining Your Streets Activities: With the obvious attention that has been given to public safety concerns in recent weeks, there will be several events that attendees can participate in throughout the Street Party that will provide an opportunity for south end residents to envision what they would ideally love to see the community become one day soon.

Bicycling & B!kecitement Street: Rainier Avenue will get a temporary makeover as pop-up bike lanes will be stretched along the avenue allowing bicycle enthusiasts a period of nirvana as they get to glimpse what a cycle friendly road just might some day look like.

Beer Garden: There is a designated swath of land called the "garden". There is beer there. The latter is served at the former all day long. There are no more words that need be written. (Well okay, here's the location: Behind the Royal Room and Royal Esquire Club just off Hudson Street.)

BBQ Contest: Everyone who has ever muttered that Texas has the best barbecue has done so only because they have never once ventured into South Seattle. With barbeque in this area ranking somewhere between coffee and religion, amateurs will compete against each other in a no-holds, bare knuckled, sauce-bath contest for the taste buds of south end residents. When this is over, only one hickory splattered contestant will be able to lay claim to having the best BBQ in the Rainier Valley.

Art in the Alley: Absolutely no event is complete without some sense of refinement, and this one is no exception as the Columbia City Gallery exposes works of local area artisans to the masses in the alley ways of Rainier Avenue. Event goers will be treated to original artistic productions and will be able to return home feeling like a member of high society. Warning: The Gallery takes no responsibility for those who begin wearing a monocle after the event is over.

Pie Eating Contest: Diets were made to be broken, and what better place to lose count of calories than at a pie eating contest. Open to anyone who attends, this contest dares you not to woof down as much insulin spiking, crusted cake as possible during a given time span. Only those free of cavities and who happen to have a stomach that won't quit need apply!

Chess Tables: As we're apparently still searching for Bobby Fisher, there will be plenty of chess tables placed throughout Rainier Avenue, so that anyone looking to become the next grand master can try their hand at high stakes chess. No one leaves the table until the King falls! Location: Between Ferdinand and Hudson. Note: There will be instructors stationed at each table to teach newbies how to play.

After Party Festivities: Because the party isn't over, until it's over!!!

Blues Fest: Actually kicking off a day before the party officially gets underway, the Columbia City Blues Festival welcomes an assortment of local and national talent who will be channeling the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Hank Williams and Jimmie Rogers. A delight for area audiophiles. Runs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night at The Royal Room.

Cinema Under the Stars: The day finishes up with a movie that has countless stars attached to it (not the botox infused ones, but the actual balls of flaming gas kind). Columbia Park will undergo a metamorphosis into an open air movie theater for one night as it presents a viewing of the Fantastic Mr. Fox. The movie will begin at 7:00pm.

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