SEED Seattle's Lance Randall Running for Mayor Against Incumbent Durkan in 2021

SEED Seattle's Lance Randall Running for Mayor Against Incumbent Durkan in 2021

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by Carolyn Bick

Lance Randall, a South Seattleite who currently serves as SEED Seattle's Director of Economic Development and Interim Executive Director, has thrown his hat into the ring to run for mayor against incumbent Mayor Jenny Durkan in 2021.

Based on the campaign's filings on the City's Ethics and Elections webpage, Randall filed his committee registration statement in late February of this year. According to a statement on his candidacy website, Randall brings with him three decades of experience in the political and economics spheres "as a political scientist, economic development practitioner and entrepreneur."

"I have held leadership positions with a United States Congressman, a State Senator, four Mayors of local municipalities, large corporations, small businesses, non-profit organizations, public-private partnerships, and educational institutions," Randall's statement reads.

<em>Mayoral candidate Lance Randall. Photo courtesy of Lance Randall for Mayor.</em>
Mayoral candidate Lance Randall. Photo courtesy of Lance Randall for Mayor.

Randall acknowledges in his campaign statement that the race isn't until next year, but that he is "raising money now to assemble a campaign staff and build a diverse coalition of volunteers to get my message out to the voters."

According to the Ethics and Elections webpage, which was current as of Aug. 10, 2020, Randall had very slightly outraised Durkan by less than $100. While the race is relatively far-off, and won't take place until 2021, Durkan is also facing a potential recall vote that could take place before next year's election.

The Randall campaign said in an email to the Emerald that he will be holding off on press interviews until an official campaign announcement.

Carolyn Bick is a journalist and photographer based in South Seattle. You can reach them here and here.

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