President Biden arrives at Seward Park in the Cadillac One and is greeted by Ship It Zero activists. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)
President Biden arrives at Seward Park in the Cadillac One and is greeted by Ship It Zero activists. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)

Environmental Activists Hold Earth Day Protest as Biden Visits Seward Park

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by Ronnie Estoque

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On Friday, local community members showed up in droves to watch President Joe Biden's arrival at Seward Park. Environmental activists representing the "Ship It Zero" campaign were in attendance for the event and held various signs encouraging Biden to commit to zero-emission shipping by 2030. The event also included advocates in support of vaccines for children under the age of 5.

Ship It Zero activists hold signs advocating for an end to the use of fossil fuels
Ship It Zero activists hold signs advocating for an end to the usage of fossil fuels during President Biden's visit at Seward Park. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)

The presidential motorcade was assisted by members of the Seattle and Spokane police departments, the Washington State Patrol, and the Secret Service. During his visit at Seward Park, Biden gave an Earth Day speech and signed an executive order "to strengthen America's forests, boost wildfire resilience, and combat global deforestation."

Members of the Washington State Patrol and the Seattle Police Department stand by the crosswalk intersections at Seward Park
Members of the Washington State Patrol and the Seattle Police Department stand by the crosswalk intersections at Seward Park. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)

Last September, the Emerald reported on the massive increase in die-off rates of hemlock trees in Washington State, specifically at Seward Park.

Ronnie Estoque is a South Seattle-based freelance photographer and videographer. You can keep up with his work by checking out his website.

Featured Image: President Biden arrives at Seward Park in the Cadillac One and is greeted by Ship It Zero activists. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)

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