NEWS GLEAMS | Free Indigenous Films, LGBTQIA+ Week to Raise Awareness, Utilities Rates to Increase

NEWS GLEAMS | Free Indigenous Films, LGBTQIA+ Week to Raise Awareness, Utilities Rates to Increase

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A round-up of news and announcements we don't want to get lost in the fast-churning news cycle!

curated by Vee Hua 華婷婷

✨Gleaming This Week✨

Image depicting the logo of Vision Maker Media

Vision Maker Media Festival Features Five Weeks of Indigenous Films

Vision Maker Media, a public media resource dedicated to empowering and engaging Native people to share stories, kicks off their ninth biennial film festival on Indigenous Peoples' Day, Oct. 10. Centered around the theme "together," this year's programming features American Indian, Alaska Native, and worldwide Indigenous films, streaming online for five weeks. Programs end on Nov. 13, during Native American Heritage Month.

This year's lineup of topics include:

  • Social Justice — Oct. 10—16
  • Alaska Natives — Oct. 17—23
  • Indigenous Peoples and Languages — Oct. 24—30
  • Ooh Scary! — Oct. 31—Nov. 6
  • History/Native American Heritage Month — Nov. 7—13
Photo depicting rows and rows of blue waste bins filled with garbage and recycling.
Photo is attributed to GST HBK (under the public domain).

Solid Waste, Water and Drainage Rates to Increase for the Next Three Years

On Tuesday, Seattle City Council voted on establishing 2023—2025 solid waste rates for recycling, garbage, and composting services from Seattle Public Utilities. The proposed rates increase solid waste rates by 2.3% on average for the next three years. The vote passed 8-1 with opposition from Councilmember Kshama Sawant.

Seattle City Council typically sets solid waste rates for three-year periods; they were last updated in November 2019, which established the rates for 2020 to 2022. Learn about the updated solid waste rates through Seattle City Council's Sept. 15 memo.

Two additional utility bills were passed pertaining to water and drainage. Those rates are originally set by King County, with City approval. Similar to the solid waste rates, the two bills passed 8-1, with opposition from Sawant.

Rates for the following years are shown in the table below.

Chart depicting the proposed rate updates to Seattle Public Utilities solid waste, water and drainage rates. For 2022 the combined water, wastewater, drainage, and solid waste rates are at 3.1% while the combined rate for 2023 is listed at 4.0%.
Table courtesy of Seattle Public Utilities.
Photo depicting a group of individuals seated on the side walk holding Pride flags.
(Photo: Susan Fried)

Highline College LGBTQIA+ Week to Raise Awareness, Support

From Oct. 10 to 14, Highline College invites the public to a series of LGBTQIA+ and social justice events scheduled to coincide with National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11. Free and open to all, the events focus on the theme "Pride & Beyond: How Queer and Trans Liberation Can Lift Us All."

The events take place on the college's main campus and include a resource fair on Oct. 13. Full event descriptions can be found on Highline College's LGBTQIA+ Week 2022 webpage.

If you need accommodations due to a disability, please contact Access Services at (206) 878-3710, ext.3857 (voice) or (206) 870-4853 (TTY).

Some sample events are as follows:

Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2:30—3:45 p.m.

"Make Your Pride: Tie-dyeing with Dr. T and the Q Center" presented by the Q Center Group
Inter-Cultural Center (Room 204), Building 8

Join in on some tie-dyeing fun. Highline College will supply the materials (bandanas, totes, dye supplies, and instructions for taking your projects home) and provide a quick walk-through on techniques.

Wednesday, Oct. 12, 11 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

"How to Prevent and Repair Unintentional Harm" by Bam Mendiola
"Turtle Building," Building 7

Bam Mendiola (they/them) will discuss actions you can take to make spaces more inclusive and what to do (and not do) when you mess up. Topics will include pronouns, inclusive language, and how to respond to call-ins and call-outs.

Thursday, Oct. 13, 1—3 p.m.

"Queeraoke: Sing It Out!" by Galactic Molasses and DJ Mike Baskett
Room Mt. Townsend, Building 8

"Sing It Out" is a karaoke event meant to showcase the voices of Highline College's queer community. We will let voices of all types express themselves and celebrate queerness and transness in all of their voices.

Friday, Oct. 14, 10—11:30 a.m.

"Intersectional Identities: Sexuality and Beyond" presented by Dr. Tylir McKenzie
Room Mt. Constance/Olympus, Building 8

Come learn about the concept of intersectionality developed by Black scholar Kimberl Crenshaw, and explore the implications of culture and environment as influencers in our lives.

Friday, Oct. 14, 2—4 p.m.

"Allied in Action: Kick It With the Task Force Kickball Game" by the LGBTQIA+ Task Force
Softball field, located between the North Parking Lot and the Pavillion (Building 28)

Meet the members of the Highline's LGBTQIA+ Task Force and learn how to get involved or how to support this work over a game of kickball. Come to play or cheer the teams on.

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