Southcenter Macy's workers and community members gather for a picket. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)
Southcenter Macy's workers and community members gather for a picket. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)

Southcenter Macy's Workers Picket Stalled Contract Negotiations

Last Friday afternoon, Aug. 11, workers from the Westfield Southcenter Macy's held a picket demanding an increase in wages and security as ongoing contract negotiations that began in late February have stalled.
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by Ronnie Estoque

Last Friday afternoon, Aug. 11, workers from the Westfield Southcenter Macy's held a picket demanding an increase in wages and security as ongoing contract negotiations that began in late February have stalled. UFCW 3000 member Azia Domingo has worked at Macy's for two decades and serves on the bargaining team.

"We're all looking for a livable wage. We're all looking for security, safety, to feel safe at work," Domingo said. "Our major issues are that Macy's is not willing to work with us and meet us halfway."

Relatives of Macy's workers alongside community members representing Teamsters, LELO – Seattle, and Martin Luther King, Jr. County Labor Council were in attendance to show their support.

"We have family members of employees. We have siblings, we have sons, daughters," Domingo said. "We have a huge community support here who believe in what we're fighting for."

Family members of Macy's workers also showed up for the picket.
Family members of Macy's workers also showed up for the picket. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)

According to UFCW 3000, Macy's management has offered a 50 cent raise during the contract negotiations and rejected proposals for on-site security personnel during store hours and for more affordable health care options.

"I've seen a lot of support people driving by honking, people waving, and it seems like even customers are here to support us too," Domingo said. "We're a family, and family should take care of others. Families should be willing to help out others, and all we are asking for is that Macy's helps take care of their family."

Ronnie Estoque is a South Seattle-based freelance photographer and videographer. You can keep up with his work by checking out his website.

📸 Featured Image: Southcenter Macy's workers and community members gather for a picket. (Photo: Ronnie Estoque)

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